I cried
End of story. Very touching. You did fantastic work
I cried
End of story. Very touching. You did fantastic work
I still feel teary every time I watch it :D Thanks for your comment
I like
Honestly, I really really just like the music. It's awesome. But the animation was cool/cute. I like how it moves to the music, it was sweet.
the song is by Yelle. It is called Safari Disco Club. get it on itunes!
I liked it
It was so different from the normal on newgrounds. It was almost deeper, it was more complex. I had to watch it twice to really take in what had happened but I like how an innocent looking animal became demonic, needing to control a life to complete a goal. super cool, you all did awesome!
Thanks for the review!
The rival is a green hair dike? o.O Hahahaha, whatever, charmander is awesomeness even if he does pee himself at the sight of a massive legendary :D 50000000346502.021 / 10 stars for you <3
OMG OMG OMG I'm a guuuuurl on Newgrounds, gaiz! Can't you tell that I'm female cuz of the cute wai I type and the girl's name in my username. Like LOOOOOOOOOOL.
Seriously, thanks though.
I sacrificed thousands of people to save my dog
hahahaha, I did the same thing XD really the dog is useless in 2 but 3, he's much better and actually kills things :D Woot! Do more says I...person with not awesome name playing fable for violent reasons >.>;
Oh really? I need to get that game...
wanna know the sad part?
I'm scared to pee now and i'm a chick! o.o Great job :3
Hey, this could happen to anybody. I should totally make a lady version, huh? Totally.
Tablet is in, art should look better soon and visual novels will be produced! The Queen has spoken!
Joined on 1/22/10